
Our Services / Gum Recession

Gum Recession

Gum Recession services offered in Albany, NY

Periodontal surgery is often necessary to improve your oral health and aesthetics. At Capital Region Periodontics and Dental Implants in Albany, New York, periodontists Reed Ference, DDS, MDS, Sean Ference, DDS, MDS, and Beniel Tamraz DDS, MDS, offer multiple types of periodontal surgery to eliminate oral health concerns and enhance your smile. Call Capital Region Periodontics and Dental Implants or schedule an appointment online to learn more.

Gum Recession Q & A

What is gum recession?

Gum recession occurs when the tissue that supports and protects your teeth pulls back from the crown. Not only does gum recession cause your teeth to appear longer, but it also leaves them vulnerable to pain, sensitivity, and shifting or loosening. As recession worsens, the risk of experiencing tooth loss can go up.

What causes gum recession?

Gum recession can occur for many reasons, including:


Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is an infection that eats away at your tooth-supporting tissues. The infection occurs when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, builds up on your teeth and gums. If it is not cleaned off, plaque can travel beneath the gumline and start to form small pockets between the bone and the tooth root. 

Trapped plaque releases toxins that destroy tooth-supporting tissue and bone. As these pockets grow, your gums can recede or pull away from your teeth.


Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause can increase your risk of periodontal disease and gum recession.



Some individuals are genetically prone to gum disease. Early intervention is the best way to prevent receding gums if you have a family history of periodontal disease.


Aggressive tooth brushing

Brushing your teeth aggressively can irritate and damage your gums, causing redness, bleeding, discomfort, and even gum recession.


Poor oral hygiene

Plaque can accumulate on your teeth and gums without regular brushing and flossing. Eventually, plaque can harden and lead to tartar — a solid form of plaque that only a dental professional can remove. This tartar can cause recession if left untreated.


Tobacco use

Tobacco products, such as cigarettes and chewing tobacco, damage the gum tissue and can lead to an increased risk of gum recession.


Teeth grinding

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, occurs when you gnash your teeth together, which puts pressure on your gums and can cause gum recession if left untreated.


What are the treatments for gum recession?

Capital Region Periodontics and Dental Implants offers several treatments for gum recession, including: 


Gum grafting

A gum graft is a procedure that takes gum tissue from one area of your mouth, or from a donor, and places it in the area that is experiencing recession. This method usually treats one or two teeth next to each other.


Pinhole® Surgical Technique

The Pinhole Surgical Technique allows a trained practitioner to correct gum recession without any incisions or stitches. A pinhole sized opening is created in the gum tissue and the gum tissue is advanced towards the crown, correcting any recession. The procedure is known for having less pain and discomfort than traditional gum surgery and can treat many recession defects in an arch.


Guided tissue regeneration

Guided tissue regeneration helps grow new gum tissue to replace your lost tissue. This treatment can help regenerate your gums to hold your teeth in place and prevent damage.

Preventing gum recession is still the best way to protect your gums. To maintain optimal gum health, your should:

  • Practice good oral hygiene
  • Visit your dentist for regular teeth cleanings
  • Follow a healthy diet
  • Wear a nightguard if you grind your teeth
  • Quit smoking

To learn more about gum recession, call Capital Region Periodontics and Dental Implants, or schedule an appointment online today.